Debian 11 Bullseye 64bits


====== Attempt #1

-----> Fetching repository

Cloning into '/tmp/d20240825-7-8v4iy2/input'...

-----> Setting up package repository...

-----> Starting packaging process

-----> Additional environment variables



-----> Empty (or invalid cache)

+ set -o pipefail


+ case "$(cat /etc/version)" in

++ cat /etc/version

+ adduser pkgr --shell /bin/bash --disabled-password --gecos '' --home /home/pkgr --uid 888 --group --system

+ echo 'pkgr ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt-get'

+ chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo

+ mkdir -p /opt

+ chown -R pkgr /opt /home/pkgr

+ mkdir -p /my/cache

+ test -f /entrypoint/cache.tar.gz

+ chown -R pkgr /my/cache

+ echo '-----> Fetching pkgr b48cfd6d5e407a79ef378eb96c5ab20061c76552...'

-----> Fetching pkgr b48cfd6d5e407a79ef378eb96c5ab20061c76552...

+ ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 22 compile pkgr --quiet=yes --cache=yes --version=b48cfd6d5e407a79ef378eb96c5ab20061c76552 --target=debian:11

+ tar xzf - -C /usr/local

+ echo '-----> Starting packaging process...'

-----> Starting packaging process...

+ su -s /bin/bash pkgr -c 'cd /entrypoint/output && /entrypoint/ pkgr package /entrypoint/repo --clean --auto --compile-cache-dir /my/cache --env UUID= HOME=/home/pkgr --name=inventree --store-cache --no-verify --auto --edge --iteration=1724547860.2cf959cb.bullseye --version=0.13.0'

bash: line 1: cd: /entrypoint/output: Permission denied

+ exit 1

Failed to package application

tar: This does not look like a tar archive

tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

! FAILED - Build error.

! Please contact support.