CentOS / RHEL 8 64 bits


====== Attempt #1

-----> Fetching repository

Cloning into '/tmp/d20240830-7-bpht31/input'...

Updating files: 30% (5037/16731) Updating files: 31% (5187/16731) Updating files: 32% (5354/16731) Updating files: 33% (5522/16731) Updating files: 34% (5689/16731) Updating files: 35% (5856/16731) Updating files: 36% (6024/16731) Updating files: 37% (6191/16731) Updating files: 38% (6358/16731) Updating files: 39% (6526/16731) Updating files: 40% (6693/16731) Updating files: 41% (6860/16731) Updating files: 42% (7028/16731) Updating files: 43% (7195/16731) Updating files: 44% (7362/16731) Updating files: 45% (7529/16731) Updating files: 46% (7697/16731) Updating files: 47% (7864/16731) Updating files: 48% (8031/16731) Updating files: 49% (8199/16731) Updating files: 50% (8366/16731) Updating files: 51% (8533/16731) Updating files: 52% (8701/16731) Updating files: 53% (8868/16731) Updating files: 54% (9035/16731) Updating files: 55% (9203/16731) Updating files: 56% (9370/16731) Updating files: 57% (9537/16731) Updating files: 58% (9704/16731) Updating files: 59% (9872/16731) Updating files: 60% (10039/16731) Updating files: 61% (10206/16731) Updating files: 62% (10374/16731) Updating files: 63% (10541/16731) Updating files: 64% (10708/16731) Updating files: 65% (10876/16731) Updating files: 66% (11043/16731) Updating files: 67% (11210/16731) Updating files: 68% (11378/16731) Updating files: 69% (11545/16731) Updating files: 70% (11712/16731) Updating files: 71% (11880/16731) Updating files: 72% (12047/16731) Updating files: 73% (12214/16731) Updating files: 74% (12381/16731) Updating files: 75% (12549/16731) Updating files: 76% (12716/16731) Updating files: 77% (12883/16731) Updating files: 78% (13051/16731) Updating files: 79% (13218/16731) Updating files: 80% (13385/16731) Updating files: 81% (13553/16731) Updating files: 82% (13720/16731) Updating files: 83% (13887/16731) Updating files: 84% (14055/16731) Updating files: 85% (14222/16731) Updating files: 86% (14389/16731) Updating files: 87% (14556/16731) Updating files: 88% (14724/16731) Updating files: 89% (14891/16731) Updating files: 90% (15058/16731) Updating files: 91% (15226/16731) Updating files: 92% (15393/16731) Updating files: 93% (15560/16731) Updating files: 94% (15728/16731) Updating files: 95% (15895/16731) Updating files: 96% (16062/16731) Updating files: 97% (16230/16731) Updating files: 98% (16397/16731) Updating files: 99% (16564/16731) Updating files: 100% (16731/16731) Updating files: 100% (16731/16731), done.

-----> Setting up package repository...

-----> Starting packaging process

-----> Starting service postgres...

-----> Additional environment variables






-----> Found valid cache

-----> Restoring cache...

-----> Fetching pkgr 64a6838f812abf6374d9ec397729bb2866d6617e...

-----> Starting packaging process...

-----> Installing missing build dependencies: postgresql-devel

-----> [wizard] adding legacy-installer wizard (https://github.com/pkgr/addon-legacy-installer#master)

-----> [wizard] adding openproject-edition wizard (/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/packaging/addons/openproject-edition#)

-----> [wizard] adding postgres wizard (https://github.com/pkgr/addon-postgres#master)

-----> [wizard] adding apache2 wizard (https://github.com/pkgr/addon-apache2#set-host-header)

-----> [wizard] adding repositories wizard (/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/packaging/addons/repositories#)

-----> [wizard] adding memcached wizard (https://github.com/pkgr/addon-memcached#master)

-----> [wizard] adding openproject wizard (/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/packaging/addons/openproject#)

-----> Fetching buildpack https://github.com/opf/heroku-buildpack-multi.git at master

-----> Running hook: "packaging/setup"

-----> Multipack app

=====> Downloading Buildpack: https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs.git

=====> Detected Framework: Node.js

-----> Creating runtime environment






-----> Installing binaries

engines.node (package.json): ^20.9.0

engines.npm (package.json): ^10.1.0

Resolving node version ^20.9.0...

Downloading and installing node 20.17.0...

Bootstrapping npm ^10.1.0 (replacing 10.8.2)...

npm 10.8.3 installed

-----> Restoring cache

Cached directories were not restored due to a change in version of node, npm, yarn or stack

Module installation may take longer for this build

-----> Installing dependencies

Installing node modules (package.json)

> openproject@0.1.0 postinstall

> cd frontend && npm install

added 1789 packages, and audited 1790 packages in 50s

241 packages are looking for funding

run `npm fund` for details

17 vulnerabilities (5 moderate, 12 high)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:

npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:

npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

added 89 packages, and audited 90 packages in 56s

11 packages are looking for funding

run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

-----> Build

-----> Caching build

- node_modules

-----> Pruning devDependencies

Skipping because NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION is 'false'

-----> Build succeeded!

=====> Downloading Buildpack: https://github.com/pkgr/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git

=====> Detected Framework: Ruby

which: no java in (/tmp/tmp.tMfWtA8BUz/bin/:/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/.heroku/node/bin:/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/.heroku/yarn/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/node_modules/.bin)

-----> Installing bundler 2.3.25

-----> Removing BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock

-----> Compiling Ruby/Rails

-----> Using Ruby version: ruby-3.3.4

cp: '/my/cache/vendor/bundle/.' and '/my/cache/vendor/bundle/.' are the same file

-----> Installing dependencies using bundler 2.3.25

Running: BUNDLE_WITHOUT='development:test' BUNDLE_PATH=vendor/bundle BUNDLE_BIN=vendor/bundle/bin BUNDLE_DEPLOYMENT=1 bundle install -j4

Bundle complete! 204 Gemfile dependencies, 296 gems now installed.

Gems in the groups 'development' and 'test' were not installed.

Bundled gems are installed into `./vendor/bundle`

2 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding.

Run `bundle fund` for details

Bundle completed (1.38s)

Cleaning up the bundler cache.

Removing bundler (2.3.25)

-----> Detecting rake tasks

-----> Preparing app for Rails asset pipeline

Running: rake assets:precompile

npm run build

I, [2024-08-30T11:35:51.919448 #3069] INFO -- : Increasing database pool size to 17 to match max threads

Exporting I18n.js locales

=> Done in 17.64s

Linking frontend plugins

Cleaning linked target directory /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin budgets to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/budgets.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin costs to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/costs.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin openproject-avatars to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/openproject-avatars.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin openproject-documents to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/openproject-documents.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin openproject-github_integration to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/openproject-github_integration.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin openproject-gitlab_integration to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/openproject-gitlab_integration.

Linking frontend of OpenProject plugin openproject-meeting to /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked/openproject-meeting.

Regenerating frontend plugin registry /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked-plugins.module.ts.

Regenerating frontend plugin sass /tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/app/features/plugins/linked-plugins.styles.sass.

Building angular frontend

npm warn config production Use `--omit=dev` instead.

> openproject-frontend@0.1.0 build

> node --max_old_space_size=4096 ./node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng build --configuration production --named-chunks --source-map

- Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...

TypeScript compiler options "target" and "useDefineForClassFields" are set to "ES2022" and "false" respectively by the Angular CLI. To control ECMA version and features use the Browserslist configuration. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/build#configuring-browser-compatibility

NOTE: You can set the "target" to "ES2022" in the project's tsconfig to remove this warning.

Components styles sourcemaps are not generated when styles optimization is enabled.


main: [ '/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/frontend/src/main.ts' ],

polyfills: [




rake aborted!

Failed to compile angular frontend:

/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/lib/tasks/assets.rake:73:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/lib/tasks/assets.rake:72:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/lib/tasks/assets.rake:64:in `chdir'

/tmp/d20240830-37-6tbi7m/opt/openproject/lib/tasks/assets.rake:64:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile => assets:compile_environment => assets:prepare_op => assets:angular

(See full trace by running task with --trace)


! Precompiling assets failed.


! ERROR: compile failed

Failed to package application

tar: This does not look like a tar archive

tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

! FAILED - Build error.

! Please contact support.